God is Ready to Answer Your Prayers

Our Homes Can Become

A Place of Prayer

Where We Pray For Family

And Others

Scripture Prayers --

Praying Scripture provides
the practical help and inspiration
we all need to pray more consistently and effectively

I wrote this book to help me pray for my family and others. I hope it will help you too.

Praying Through the New Testament




God Used These Scripture Prayers in My Own Life

Do you live on a busy street,
or in a quiet neighborhood,
or down a winding path?

The place where you live is familiar to you.
You know the area well.

The last bend in the road.
Your heart warms--
Almost there.

My home is in Victoria.
It became a sanctuary where
I worked on these Scripture-based prayers.

I prayed them,
did some editing,
then prayed them again and again.

God used these prayers in my own life
and as I prayed them for many others.

May He use them to bless your home--
on your street,
Your sanctuary.
May He touch your life and
many others as you pray.

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